How My No-Buy Challenge has Affected My Relationship with Clothes

Shopping for clothes can be a fun hobby, wether you prefer new or thrifted. It’s always so exciting to find something cute to add to your wardrobe. For me, however, it was always more about the shopping than the styling. I loved looking at clothes, and buying them, but when it came to wearing them, I kept going back to the same styles over and … Continue reading How My No-Buy Challenge has Affected My Relationship with Clothes

I Chucked Out My Clothes (Again) With Leena

I didn’t want to make a habit of this, but it looks like I’m back for round two. Last year, I went through my entire closet and cleared out anything that wasn’t working for me, including things that were too small, too big, too worn to fix, or not fitting into my style and lifestyle anymore. I managed to get rid of 54 pieces of … Continue reading I Chucked Out My Clothes (Again) With Leena

I Chucked Out My Clothes With Leena Norms

Youtuber Leena Norms has a few videos on her page of her going through her wardrobe and donating clothes she needs to get rid of. I’ve really enjoyed watching her videos, because she seems to have the type of mindset I want to have when it comes to sustainable clothing. She owns many fair-trade pieces, but almost everything else is from a thrift store. She … Continue reading I Chucked Out My Clothes With Leena Norms